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Every person is different. Some need to go more often than others. Just as long as you're eating right, you don't have any problems getting it out, it is well formed and not liquid-like, and you are not encoutering social difficulties from your frequency, you should be OK. If you still think there is a problem, discuss it with your doctor.

You don't need to stop this unless you are having diearrea. This is normal for growing bodies. As long as you're eating right, you shuld be ok. It just means that you have a great metabolism, and a clean GI Tract (Gastrointestinal Tract.) Everythin sounds normal. :)

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Q: Is it normal to need to defecate more than 3 times a day?
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Whenever they need to ! There is no set number of times a day !

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Lions defecate because they need to remove the feces from their body like most animals. They use what they can from what they eat and then they must excrete the rest to make room for more.

How often should puppies defecate?

The average is three times a day as puppy's need to be fed three times a day. But as they get older they should only have food two times a day.

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yes you will

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Birds don't know what a car is, they just need to defecate. Also, they often defecate as they fly so their poop falls just anywhere.

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If part of your rectum came out, you need a doctor immediately. That's called "pink sleeve" and is a type of prolapse. You also need to push less hard when you defecate, and to eat more fiber-rich foods and drink plenty of water.

What happens if you need to defecate?

That the bodys way of tell you that it has waste material to dispose of.

Does a bunny defecate?

Yes.All animals need to be able to remove waste from their bodies

Is going poop six times a day healthy?

Not everyone "poops" everyday. It all depends on what you eat and how much you eat. It is not good to hold it in eith because it causes a backflow and you end up poisoning yourself with your own poop. Plus think about the constipation you will cause. Is it really worth the enema?

Does a turtle defecate?

Yes - like all animals they need to dispose of bodily waste

Can crabs defecate?

Yes every living things need to remove bodily waste

Why do cows defecate?

All living things need to rid their bodies of waste materials