

Best Answer

Yes, you just need to go and wipe yourself because you obviously pooed and didn't know it. Yes, you just need to go and wipe yourself because you obviously pooed and didn't know it.

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Q: Is it normal to have brown discharge two weeks after your period?
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Is it normal to have bloody discharge 2 weeks after your period?

No, it is not normal, and should be checked out with a doctor.

Is Brown spotting 2 weeks after period is over normal?

no not normal

What if brown mucus discharge till 6 weeks even if you are pregnant?

If you are 6 weeks pregnant, this brown discharge may be old blood from your last period. However, you should speak to your Doctor about this incase it is an infection.

What does it mean when you start your period weeks early and its dark brown?

It is perfectly normal to start your period weeks early and its dark brown. You mostly start with dark brown when you start your period and it turns red.

If you get your first period six weeks after giving birth and bleed heavily then have brown discharge and your abdomen hurts if you push on it is there a problem?

This is normal for your first post-partum period; your body is still recovering from pregnancy. The brown discharge is simply old blood, and commonly follows a heavy period. You need to schedule your six-week follow-up with your OB-GYN, and discuss these concerns with him or her.

Is brown stringy discharge normal during pregnancy?

I had my period then 2 weeks later i had a sringy discharge brown in colour for 1 day but when i wiped their was no sighn of anything on toilet paper. Could i be pregnant even though i had my period 2 weeks ago. Im also getting abdominal pain every day. What is happening?

What does it mean if you have brown discharge but you just had your period 2 weeks ago?

it means u need to get that cheacked out bye a doctor

What does clear discharge instead of a period mean?

It means you haven't gotten your period yet. A clear discharge is generally normal.

Is it normal to have a discharge when you wipe yourself at 4 and a half weeks?

I cant really say if it is normal i was 7 weeks pregnant and i had a discharge that was brown and i miscarried a day later, you really need to talk to your ob/gyn about what it looks like. It might be normal but you need to be on the safe side just in case it isn't normal.

Can you get white creamy vaginal discharge 2 weeks before your period or is that more so a pregnancy sign?

A vaginal discharge before a period is normal as is in pregnancy. See a doctor if you suspect you may be pregnant.

You just started birth control and haven't missed a day 2 weeks after you started the BC you had brown stringy discharge Is that normal?

Yes. The first month or two after you start birth control your period will be somewhat irregular.

I have heard that about 2 to 3 weeks after you get the egg-white vaginal discharge you are meant to get your period but I have had it for 2 to 3 months and there's no sign of my period is this normal?

The white discharge you are having , has nothing to do with periods , it s more likely you have a vaginal infection.