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Yea,it's possible to have a mental breakdown at mostly any age.I go through a lot of mental breakdowns and I'm only 11.Hope this helped you:)

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Q: Is it normal to have a mental breakdown at 15?
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The literary term that describes when a character is experiencing a mental breakdown or moment of intense emotional distress is called a "nervous breakdown" or "mental collapse."

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A mental breakdown typically refers to a period of intense emotional or psychological distress that can impair functioning, while an emotional breakdown specifically focuses on overwhelming emotions that lead to an inability to cope. Other types of breakdowns may include physical breakdowns, such as exhaustion or burnout, and spiritual breakdowns involving a crisis of faith or meaning.

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You should really discuss this with a professional. We do not know, for example, the accuracy of the "undetected mental breakdown" report, since it was not observed or treated at the time.

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A psychological breakdown refers to a severe mental health crisis where a person is unable to function normally due to overwhelming stress, emotions, or psychological issues. It may involve intense feelings of despair, anxiety, or confusion, and can manifest in symptoms such as panic attacks, paranoia, or disorganized thinking. Professional help and support are often needed to address and recover from a psychological breakdown.

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Bilirubin is a waste product of the normal breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells. It is formed in the liver and then excreted in bile. When levels of bilirubin are high, it can cause jaundice.

What type of insurance is a breakdown cover?

Auto insurance can help cover a car breakdown while health insurance can help cover a mental breakdown. These insurances range in price depending on customer needs.

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Crazy People is the name of a movie which was released in the year 1990. This movie is about a person who has had a mental breakdown, enters a mental institution, and the events that occur in the mental institution.