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Q: Is it normal to feel lazy in your first trimester?
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Does being pregnant make you lazy?

Pregnancy does not make you lazy but it can make you feel very sluggish and tired. Sometimes your body will ache and you don't feel like getting up. Also you can feel like you need to sleep all the time. Generally this goes away in the second trimester but for some women it does not. It will get better with better nutrition habits usually.

Is it normal if you always procrastinate?

yes it is completely normal. It just means that you enjoy doing other things first or you like to be lazy.

Is the word lazy an adjective?

Yes. "The lazy dog, the laziest student, I feel lazy".

Name a word that describes how you feel when you first wake up?

lazy sleep groggy grumpy fine fresh drowsy

Can marijuana make you lazy?

Yes. Some types of marijuana can make you feel drowsy and lazy.

What is normal behavior for a cat?

Normal cat behavior includes grooming themselves, sleeping for long periods of time, hunting and playing with toys, scratching to maintain claws, marking their territory by rubbing their scent on objects, and using a litter box for elimination. Cats are also active at dawn and dusk, exhibiting bursts of energy during these times.

What to do when you feel lazy?

Sing! Or draw (: or go on Reddit

Does tyler James Williams have a lazy eye?

No , he is perfectly normal.

How much of the human race is lazy?

Basically, everyone has lazy moments where they don't feel like doing things. I would say that 100% of the human race is lazy, though not everyone is extremely lazy!

Why do people not feel like doing anything?

Because they are lazy.

How do you know you have lyme disease?

You Will Feel Really Lazy And Not Want To Do Anything.

Why you feel lazy in summers?

Heat has a way of slowing people down.