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No, it is not normal. You have something called Testicular Atrophy, which means your Testicles are shrinking due to excessive self masturbation. Pubic hair which are much lighter in color is a symptom which in the early stages of EA. Please consult a doctor as soon as possible as this disease is highly treatable and irreversible. Good luck.

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Q: Is it normal that the hair directly on my testes are much lighter in colour than all my other hair?
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Three testes is normal?

False. Two testes in normal.

Is normal for to have have no feeling in your testes?

It is not normal to feel numb or have no feeling in the testes. You should see a doctor if it persists.

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Usually the groom is expected to have normal testes, but it is not always necessary.

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No, contraction of the dartos muscle causes wrinkling of the scrotal skin to regulate temperature, but it does not directly cause elevation of the testes. Elevation of the testes is primarily controlled by the cremaster muscle.

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A normal body cell transfers to the testes and become a sex cell.

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AAS (Anabolic/Androgenic) Steroids can cause testes to shrink because artificial testosterone is introduced into the body which causes the testes to stop producing natural testosterone. This is called testicular atrophy, usually after someone stops using the steroid the body will start to produce natural testosterone again after this testes should return to normal size.

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In either case there is a bed of veins called the pampiniform plexus which directly drain the organs blood supply. The plexus then drains into discreet veins; from the ovaries, the ovarian veins and from the testes, the testicular veins. These discreet veins connect directly to the inferior vena cava.

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The synonym of testes is "testicles."

How do you decrease testis size?

In any male animal the testes will grow to an average size during adolescence and that is normal and their size can not be reduced. If however one of your testes (a testis) has recently enlarged, you should go and see a qualified medical practitioner (A Doctor) as soon as possible. This is not normal and can have a variety of causes most of which need treatment.

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Females do not have testes. Testes are male reproductive organs. The female equivalent of testes is ovaries, which produce eggs and female sex hormones.

Why does the testes differ in size?

The testes may differ in size due to normal variations among individuals. Factors such as genetics, age, and overall health can also influence testicular size. In some cases, conditions like hormonal imbalances or certain medical conditions can also lead to differences in testes size.