yes it is, but you may want to ask a doctor about it because it could be an infection of some sort.
# hunky # chunky # flunkey # gunky # junky
You should take it to the vet as soon as possible
Check your coolant. Is it thick and gunky?
it basicly means it gone bad.. Garbage?
Gunky is a funny word. It means something that is messy or sticky.
about 6 turds per toe nail. (gunky and crusty toe nail)
Yes, this sounds quite normal. When they very first open they can look a little gunked up. Keep a close eye on them and it should clear very soon. If this continues to be a problem then it would be best to take ask some advice from a vet.
Take them for treatment by an animal doctor (a vet) if you can not afford one then there are bound to be some charity Vets around.
your probably getting transmission fluid in your cooling system from the cooler in the rad. replace your rad
Gentle Great Giant Ginormous Giggly Gorgeous Gay Gnarled Girly Good Gamey Gooey Gunky Goofy Grand Gassy
Sunlight isnt bad for the neons themselves, but it is bad for the aquarium. If there is an abundance of sunlight in the aquarium, it can promote algal growth which will make your aquarium look gunky.
chunky, clunky, funky, hunky, junkie, junky, punky, spunkyAre the only real words that rhymes with Monkey.skunky, plunky, funky, gunky, hunky, junky,funky, junky, spunky, hunky, chunky, punky, gunky, clunky, flunkey, donkeySimilar:pinky, chinky, dinky, hankie, winky, wonky, splinky, stinky, zinky, turkey, kentucky, alky,funky, junky, spunky, clunky, chunkyFunky