any one can wee when they sneeze, its all about strengthening your bowel muscles !
No, they all have multiple births. It is possible for dogsto only have one puppy in a litter but not normal.
Annie Mclachlan is the sweetest puppy of all time.
To sneeze and burp or hiccup is possible to fart and burp at the same time is rare but to do all of them at the same time is anatomically impossible.
no they actually do because there such weirdoes
I sneeze all the time! If not, it severely tickles my nose. I can't find anywhere online that says why though
dont give him any human food at all! Dogs dont starve them selves! I promise
time lines are the same for all dogs a normal human year for the first 2 years and after 7 dog years to a human year.
yes, all the time. catch up on your episodes.
maybe not normal, but it shouldn't be any type of problem at all. it should be used to other dogs though, if you have more. that would be an advantage.
it catches all the icky germs that you're sniffing in all the time then, when you sneeze it blows them all out!
yes that is normal they need there sleep to grow & be healthy