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No, I would suggest that you see your doctor.

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Q: Is it normal for your penis glands to hurt?
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Do sebaceous glands on your penis eventually go away?

Sebaceous glands are a normal part of the penis and vulva. They do not go away, and they are what give this skin it's normal, slightly "bumpy" appearance.

What two glands that are near the penis?

The two glands near the penis are the bulbourethral glands (Cowper's glands) and the prostate gland. The bulbourethral glands secrete a lubricating fluid that helps with ejaculation, while the prostate gland produces fluid that forms part of semen.

How do you treat a sore penis in a 2 year old boy?

Well it is not normal for someones Penis to hurt. You should go make an appointment to see your family doctor just incase something is wrong with his penis

Can sperm comeout of your penis by movingit up and down?

ya im pretty sure its normal everybody I've asked says they can do it

What glands associated with the human ductus deferens are missing in the cat?

the penis

Why does your penis hurt when you have a boner?

It's like your arm, if you strain it for too long, it gets sore, right? Well, if you get severally aroused, for an extended period of time, your penis will being to become sore also. If that's NOT the case, I would recommend seeing a doctor as soon as possible, as it could be a problem with your glands.

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How do you check if the glands in your mouth hurt?

You're mouth is hurting

When your penis is erect its 5 inch but when its not it 2 inch and Im 14 years old?

After all you are only 14 years of age, there is time for your penis to grow a little more. But remember it is not the size of the penis but the skill in having sex that will really count. 2nd Answer: You're absolutely, completely normal. Don't worry about it.

Would it hurt to get your penis pierced?


Is this normal your penis is 5.25 when erect but when flaccid it is anywhere from 1 to 3?

Yes its totally normal. The erect penis is about twice the size of the placid penis.

What will stretching your penis do for you?

Probably make it hurt, but not a lot else.