Japanese people eats their dinner at night with chopsticks or spoon and fork as if like normal people do! Clear?
Normal people don't........
"Normal", is whatever is normal for you. Some people certainly do go on about a new relationship, but most people get tired of hearing about it. You may want to talk about your latest love, but people will only be happy for you for a brief time, then they expect you to move on with life. "Normal" is being in a relationship. That means that since almost everybody does it we don't really want to hear you go on about it forever. "Normal" is sleeping well at night. But it's not normal to go on about how well you slept. People don't want to hear it.
Your mom cries at night? Awww. Maybe she is stressed. Are your parents angry at each other? Maybe its medical problems. Maybe she lost someone dear to her or something. :( sorry i dont really know
May it's really silent at night,and people feel more curious.
my angry mom
Yes. It is really pretty to see at night.
Leg pain is not normal and is usually a sign of a medical problem that needs to be addressed. If you experience leg pain at night you should consult your Doctor to diagnose the problem and learn your treatment options.
The Angry Beavers - 1997 Tree of Hearts Dag for Night 2-4 was released on: USA: 22 March 1998
In the Heat of the Night - 1988 An Angry Woman 3-18 was released on: USA: 13 March 1990 Netherlands: 15 November 1991
The Angry Joe Show - 2009 Monday Night Combat 2-28 was released on: USA: 15 August 2010
Well we're just normal people, like you! We buy a house, raise a family (lots of people even adopt, which is great!) work normal jobs for a living or some people live in the city, go to night clubs. Just the normal things the rest of the western world does.