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It is not abnormal to bleed or have a small amount of pain during the first sexual encounter. It is mostly contribuited to not being relaxed enough the first time. Of course it depends quite a bit on how much the woman wants to have sex. The more excited and relaxed the woman is the easier and less pain for first time sex.

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Q: Is it normal for it to bleed and hurt the first few times of sex?
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What about if its your first time?

If you are a girl, it will hurt and you will bleed. <---fALSE. If you ride horses, it wont be too bad, nor will it bleed. It only hurts for a few seconds anyway

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If you are a girl, it will hurt and you will bleed. <---fALSE. If you ride horses, it wont be too bad, nor will it bleed. It only hurts for a few seconds anyway

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You are completely normal lets just say that first. Sex for the first time doesn't hurt for everyone and far from every woman bleed. It's a myth that it always hurt and that you bleed. It's different for every woman and you got lucky. The hymen can break very easily just by doing sports etc so you might not have had it anymore or it had no problem to stretch. The main reason it hurts the first time is actually because the woman is not wet, swollen and aroused enough. Consider yourself lucky!

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Depends what your talking about when you say "hurt." If your talking about pain in the vagina, then no it doesnt her but it feels like your peeing yourslef at times. If your talking about stomach pains and your boobs hurting then yes and no. Your boobs usually hurt before you get your period once your period starts they dont hurt anymore. Stomach pains are very normal but not everyone gets them and they continue off and on during your period. Personally when i had my first my boobs didnt hurt but my face broke out and i felt very tired, and during my period my stomach did hurt but not that badly.

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they cry....they bleed.....unfortunately they die if the pain is VERY PAINFUL!