Yes and no.It depends on the genes.But it is normal in most cases.
Just because some girls have more hair then others but they don't alot but some girls do
Congratulations! Your ptuitary gland is in action! It is normal to start growing hair as early as 12. You have started puberty
yes, that normal just like all the girls in the word.
your naturally grow hair on your chest if your a male and for a female i dont know
Yes hairy nipples are normal for Men... but for girls they usually dont grow hair around the nipples.
Yes, it is normal for moles to grow hair.
They, LOVE it. Most girls spend six to seven hours every day trimming chest hair.
None; chest hair and body hair are determined by genetics and age and by nothing else. If the adult men in your family have chest hair, then you probably will get some too--though in many men chest hair doesn't grow in, or grow in fully, until their 30s.
NO burned pumpkin seeds do not give you chest hair because if a girl ate it or put it on her body she wouldn't get hair on chest because girls dont get chest hair
yeah, it's normal.