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Most state's (where incest is forbidden) do not allow you to marry direct family members.

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Q: Is it illgeal to marry someone you are related to?
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You can, but it's illgeal. Using roms and emulators are illgeal.

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Where polygamy is illegal it is illegal to marry someone's husband. If this man is someone's husband, he is not permitted to marry anyone else.However, if your mother's sister (your aunt) is deceased you could marry her husband in most countries. He is not related to you by blood.

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You can technically marry anyone if your local law allows it, but in some areas there are restrictions such as gay marriage and marriage to people under a certain age.

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Go for it. You are not related and even if they marry you are still not related unless they adopt you. If your parents have issues with it just tell them you are not related and did not choose your feelings anymore than they did.

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yes it is

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Because you are related Da if she loved you in the (I want to marry you) way than that is just weird and try to talk to someone

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no did not get married

Can a fifteen year old guy marry a ninteen year old girl in Washington?

i think it's illgeal to get married when you're 17 and under...but,i'm not so sure about washinton i thought it was illeagle in all states though.........could be wrong.......