

Is it healthy to swallow urine?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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13y ago

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Uh...well, I wouldn't call it healthy per say, but it's not harmful.

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Q: Is it healthy to swallow urine?
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Can you swallow female urine?

Yes you can. Urine is sterile. That is why if your stuck in the desert with nothing to drink it is recommended to drink your urine.

Is urine healthy?


What component of the blood is not found in the urine of a healthy person?

Protein nor sugar should not be found in the urine of a healthy person.

Does healthy urine contain germs?

Normal, healthy urine is sterile when it's in the bladder and does not contain germs.

How much time takes a healthy person to swallow?

5 seconds

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no if you eat them you will die right after.

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I'm not sure if it is healthy, but the acidic juices in the stomach will naturalise sperm if ingested as it is alkaline.

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The amount of protein in your urine that is healthy varies from person to person. Some healthy people spill protein in their urine regularly. Talk with your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

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if you swallow sperm it is not a big deal just get over it (sometimes it even tastes good)

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There is nothing there that can do you any harm assuming she is a normal healthy person.

How much urine can the bladder hold?

A healthy bladder can hold up to 16 ounces (2 cups) of urine...

Is it safe to drink another persons urine?

I personally couldn't imagine consuming my friends' urine. However, it should be suitable depending on the who the urine belongs to is healthy.