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Q: Is it good or bad to apply oil everyday?
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good oil

Is applying oil everyday good for hair?

Yes it is good for your hair.

How do i get my calloused feet to be smooth again?

Apply olive oil on your feet everyday before going to sleep.

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Is good to apply fresh neem leaf on face to remove oil face?

Yes it's good to apply fresh neem leaves paste for excess oil on face.

What is a good sentence for oil?

The oil from a car is bad for your health.

Is it good to apply olive oil after ironing the hair?

yes it is not

Is an oil spill a good or bad idea?

an oil spill is a bad idea, have you seen what happened in the gulf of mexico!

What are the good and bad Extracting materials from the sea?

the good is we get salt from the sea and oil but the bad is it kills animals!

Is coconut oil good or bad for the heart?

Any oil is not good For health. Minimize oil utilisation while cooking curry. Avoid deep frying. When we go for taste, we lose our health. When we go for health, we lose taste. Prefer Health

Is coconut oil good for hair?

The previous answer that coconut oil is bad for you is a bad answer. Stidies are proving that coconut oil is actually good for you you in several ways. Unlike some other oils, coconut oil helps your HDL (good cholesterol) vs LDL (bad cholesterol). Plus, more scientific evidence is mounting on how coconut oil can actually delay the onset of alzheimers

Where does a oil spill occur almost everyday?

An oil spill occurs almost everyday?