If your blood sugar is 70, it's a little low but not too bad. Normal range is about 74-106.
A normal blood sugar range is between 70 and 120 mg/dL. Your 70 is on the lower end. It is fine if you have had the test done before you ate in the morning but it is too low if you have been eating.
what is a good sugar level
The maximum your blood sugar level should be between 70 and 140mg/dl depending on how recently you consumed food. If you have concerns you should visit your doctor or get a blood test done to determine your level.
what is a good blood sugsr level?
The normal blood sugar levels are between 70 and 150 mg
is 120 over 70 a good blood pressure range
The diabetes blood test tests for you blood glucose. Which is you blood sugar level. Normal blood sugar level is usually between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter.
what is a good blood sugsr level?
The average blood sugar for an adult is 70-110. For kids 1-10 it should be about 80-180. For preteens and teens it could be either, the hormones change the blood sugar.
A blood sugar level table tells you how high or low your blood sugar is in comparison to the normal amounts of sugar that should be in your system. If your number is higher or lower, it will tell you what course of action needs to be taken, as in whether you should have some orange juice or not. A good table is available on all-about-beating-diabetes.com.