No, but they could gurgle.
The root word for "gargoyle" is "gargouille," which comes from the Old French word "gargouiller" meaning "to gurgle" or "to gush." This word is derived from the Latin word "gargarizare," meaning "to gargle."
Gurgle is a noun (a gurgle) and a verb (to gurgle).
The water in the stream began to gurgle as it flowed over the rocks.
Many people have Gurgle.
As the sink emptied it made a sound like a gurgle.The baby began to gurgle as mum tickled his tum.
to get gurgle you plant seeds until you get him. it's how I did it
code for gurgle
They gurgle because of air trapped in them. This often comes out eventually.
Gurgle in moshi monsters looks like a pterodactyl.
Some words that rhyme with "gurgle" include burble, verbal, and purple.