when you breath through your nose you catch more of the germs trying to enter your body on the hairs in your nose. when you breath through your mouth there is much less protection against germs
Through any opening in the body - eyes, mouth, nose... etc. and through any breaks in the surface of the skin, cuts and scratches. Some of them enter in the food we eat.
a million germs are in your mouth
The viruses (germs) enter your body through the membranes that are in your mouth and throat, nose and sinuses, bronchial tubes and lungs, and eyes, from there they can enter cells in those tissues and other areas near them to start their replication process.See the related questions below for more information on how viruses affect your body and how they reproduce.
150 million germs live in your mouth
To allow the air to enter the body. The air can enter through either the nose or through the mouth.
The germs in the air go through the hair in your nose and get caught in it, when they go through your mouth the bacteria is heading into your lungs and drys out your mouth if you sleep breathing through your mouth.
Yes, cows do have tonsils. Tonsils are important parts of the immune system that help protect against infection by trapping germs that enter through the mouth and nose.
the mouth.
Through your MOUTH and your NOSE.
Air can enter your body through the nose and mouth when you inhale. It can also enter through the trachea, also known as the windpipe, which connects the nose and mouth to the lungs.