Not in the usual sense- as Necro means Dead- Necrology is an old word for obituaries. The rape of a woman in a coma-= or a related handicap that severely limits consent- and everything else, is indeed a Grave crime. It has happened . I heard a woman interviewed years ago on Focus on the Family who had been raped as a college student- the odd thing was - she was Blind and it happened in a dorm and she did not realize what was going on until too late. These are horrible unfair advances to people who have handicapping conditions- The rape of an unconscious woman is not, however Necrophilia, but a live subject, it is Rape or assault and possibly endangerment as well as there are health hazards involved.
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A coma is not an ailment, it is when a victim (or whoever you may) is suffering from some other effects which can bring on a coma, such as Carbon Monoxide, which sends them slowly into an unconscious state. Once the original ailment is cured, the coma will lose effect, however a coma can last for weeks and months on end.
Necrophilia is illegal no matter what.
There are currently no laws (state or federal) governing or explicitly outlawing the practice of necrophilia, since the corpse is considered human remains and no longer living. Therefore, it is technically legal in the state of Missouri. However, there are laws against graverobbing and theft of corpses, since those corpses are considered to be the property of their respective families.
not yet a teenager
Since a coma is just going to sleep and never waking up, a coma shouldn't cause brain damage. It is just that the brain is in a permanent mode of sleep in which the victim cannot be aroused.
you have relations with a corpse!?!?!?!
lover dies
Death sentence
There are many places where one can find Beastial Necrophilia lyrics online. One can find Beastial Necrophilia lyrics online at popular on the web sources such as A to Z Lyrics and Metro Lyrics.