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Coming from a family of eight children, i say go for it! Kids are awesome, and as many as you feel you can handle is as many as you need. Most people don't want to have alot of kids because they put material needs first. But did you ever notice how well behaved the big families are? that's because there's no chance of spoiling them. in a large family you learn how to love many, look out for all, and put others before yourself.

these are the best life lessons you can give your kids. besides, the more children you have the happier you'll be. every child brings sooo much joy. and it's alot of stress too, but as a friend of ours once said:

"one child took up all of my time. how much more could six take?"

our family has been through financial difficulties before, wev'e run into debt, and wev'e had to trust in God countless times to pull us through. And he has. And we are better off for the experience.

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13y ago
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13y ago

it doesn't matter both of them are good. its you decision on whether you want to be in a large or small family.

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