It depends on the insurance company, but I personally have never known of a company that would allow a parent to continue to carry insurance on a child after that child married, because at that point, you are no longer a 'dependant' of your parents.
It depends, I am 20 and still on my parents insurance, But i am also a full time student. I also have to say that I am still living in my parents home.
If you are capable of providing health insurance for your child and the other parent can not for what ever reason then yes, you can be required to provide coverage. Child support is supposed to be support to cover the expenses for the child divided between the parents. Clearly the child needs a health insurance. The cost can be a part of the child support or be added. Both parents have a obligation to make sure the child can get care. Usually child support only covers a smaller part of what a child's expenses are, not 50/50. Each state has child support guidelines that take health insurance costs into consideration.
i dont think so as long as they are your legal gaurdians
As a minor you can not sue anyone, you need your parents to do so. And if you get abused at home you can call the Child Protective service or the police. If the physical altercation cause such damage you need surgery etc it would go on the health insurance your parents have and that you are on.
It is a choice between both parents regardless of who has custody.
The only benefit to having Child Only Health Insurance is that the child is insured. According to studies, children with child only health insurance were more likely to have had routine dental and health examinations in the past 2 years over those without insurance. The rates for children that had insured parents were even higher, suggesting that children that have an insured parent are more likely to have access to all the healthcare that they need. The study also suggested that families with the child only health care, may not know how to use it properly therefore, they don't use it enough.
Obamacare does not discuss child support. I suppose that it's possible that non-custodial parents might be required to pay health insurance until age 26; however, child support, child custody and related issues such as health insurance are determined by the States.
One person said "Probably not. Check the definitions in your policy.. ." But, actually, that is no longer the case. it has changed in some states, such as Utah, New Hampshire, and Montana. It may have changed in yours. Some states now DO let a dependent child remain on his or her parents' health insurance, as long as the child is unmarried and has no dependents of their own. Check the website of your state or ask your parents' health insurance provider-- your state may be included in the new rules.
Every jurisdiction has child support guidelines that assess child support on the basis of the parents' incomes, the age of the child, the number of children and who pays health insurance. You need to check the guidelines for your jurisdiction that can be found by performing an online search using your state + child support guidelines.Every jurisdiction has child support guidelines that assess child support on the basis of the parents' incomes, the age of the child, the number of children and who pays health insurance. You need to check the guidelines for your jurisdiction that can be found by performing an online search using your state + child support guidelines.Every jurisdiction has child support guidelines that assess child support on the basis of the parents' incomes, the age of the child, the number of children and who pays health insurance. You need to check the guidelines for your jurisdiction that can be found by performing an online search using your state + child support guidelines.Every jurisdiction has child support guidelines that assess child support on the basis of the parents' incomes, the age of the child, the number of children and who pays health insurance. You need to check the guidelines for your jurisdiction that can be found by performing an online search using your state + child support guidelines.
Do you have a child that is going away to college or is currently a student at a university? If so, your child may no longer be covered under your health insurance policy. Check with your provider when your child turns 18 to see if your child is still covered under your health insurance plan, as many health care providers consider the age of 18 as an adult. If you need to purchase health care coverage for your child, ask the college if they offer student health insurance. Most colleges offer insurance to students at a very reasonable rate.
Asthma is a serious disorder for children. If caught early and treated, asthma will get better over time. Health insurance is not easy to come by if not covered by a company or a parent's job. I recommend It provides a good range of health insurance for all income levels.