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you should weigh around 112 or 115

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Q: Is it bad to weigh 143 pounds at 14?
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Im a 14 year old girl and im 5'7 how much should i weigh?

65 kg or about 143 pounds

You are 14 and you weigh 143 pounds how can you lose 15 pounds quick?

Try to exercise and eat more healthy and try not to just stuff yourself with a bunch of sweets

Is it bad to be 97 pounds and want to be skinner at 14?

Yes! You are lucky to weigh that much at 14! im 13 and i weigh more than you! be happy with what you are. And dont judge yourself.

How much do you weigh if you weigh 22 stones?

308 pounds if each stone weighs 14 pounds.

What is 65 kgs in stone?

A kilogram equals 2.2 pounds A Stone equals 14 pounds So... 65 multiplied by 2.2 = 143 pounds 143 divided by 14 = 10.21 stone

Is a 14 year old teenager supposed to weigh 121 pounds?

I am 5'3'' 14 years old and weigh 121 pounds.

How much does 14 liters weigh in pounds?

14 litres of water is 30.86 pounds.

What weight in stones is a 143 pounds?

When refering to weight - a "stone" = 14 pounds 143 pounds would be written: 10 stone 2" (10 stone and 2 pounds) Plural = stones abbreviation = st

How much do you weigh in stones if you weigh 200 pounds?

14 stones.

How many pounds is in 10 stone 3?

they are 14 pounds in a stone, so 10 stones and 3 pounds is equal to 143 pounds

How much does a cobblestone weigh?

14 pounds

Is it bad for a 12 year old girl to weigh about 140 pounds?

im not positive because im a boy but at 14 i weigh 100 but im not sure because you could be really tall or strong