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Yes, you can take a bath while you're on your period.

You can wear tampons, menstrual cups, or other internal menstrual products while in the bath to stop blood leaking into the water. It is perfectly okay to allow blood to get into the bath water, it's no less hygienic than vaginal discharge, but if flow is heavy and you're passing tissue it's not pleasant.

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8y ago
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16y ago


In fact, while on your period, hygiene is very important. Bathing or showering daily will help to keep your female parts clean and reduce odor. If you are worried about getting blood on your towel, you can dry around your vulva with a towel and then dry your labia with toilet paper or a paper towel. However, usually any blood around the outside of your body will be washed off during your shower.

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12y ago

The simple answer is yes.

A period only effects the inside of the the body, you should still do your daily bathing and a shower is relaxing. But you may want to wear a tampon and change it right after you finish your shower.

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12y ago

Yes, you can take a bath during your period. Some blood may leak out into the water so you may want to make it a short soak. On the other hand, many women wear a tampon while taking a long warm, relaxing bath that helps relieve cramps and other discomforts. Just be sure to remove that tampon after the bath and replace with a fresh one. The tub should be absolutely clean since the body may be more susceptible to infections during periods. However, not much water goes inside normally. The bath should be cleaned afterwards.

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10y ago

Yes, of course you can take a shower on your period - how else are you going to clean yourself during menstruation? You would shower just like you would normally, as with anything else: there's nothing that you can't do during your period that you wouldn't do normally. If you don't use menstrual cups or tampons be sure to rinse before getting out and dry off quickly so not to get blood on the towels, then have a fresh pad ready to use once you're dried off.

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16y ago

you can take a bath when on your period, I have heard taking a hot bath actually makes your period go faster, but I don't know that for a fact.

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12y ago

Yes. The blood stops flowing once you are in water: like taking a shower/bath or swimming in the pool.

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13y ago

Yes, if you couldn't that would be gross because it would mean every girl every month would have to not shower for a week. So of course you can.

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12y ago

Yes, women should take showers while they have their periods. Personal hygiene is very important at these times.

If nervous of any unwanted bleeding, use tampons while showering.

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13y ago

Only if you use communal showers (eg at a swimming pool)

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