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Q: Is it bad to swallow a tonsil stone?
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What are tonsils stones?

Tonsil stones are just a little thing in your tonsil pocket. A tonsil Stone cause Bad breath, Headaches, Fevers, and sometimes lumps in your throats. A Tonsil Stone is just germs and leftover food in your tonsil pockets. Also it can maybe cause a sore throat.

What if you swallow a tonsil stone?

According to my doctor, it depends on the size. He said tiny ones don't really matter and you wont even realize you did inhale it. Sometimes, though, when you have ones the size of peas, you can feel it go down. Some may get stuck ad you'll have to chug down water. He said usually they go down easily, but he's had a few cases where they get stuck. I really think that's rare for them to get stuck, but he said he'd have to dig them out of the persons throat (basically surgery) and pull it out. Nothing serious and I feel like it's very strange for people to have their tonsil stones stuck. So don't worry, no big deal. Just kind of disgusting. Lexie.....Peace out

What can you do for bad breath due to tonsil stones?

Bad breath from tonsils is generally caused by tonsil stones. Possible treatment includes removing the tonsil stones at home, gargling with warm salt water, using antibiotics, or having the tonsil stones removed by a surgeon. Since tonsil stones contain bacteria and other debris, things like mouthwash and gum will not help your bad breath.

Can you swallow a stone into your lungs?


How do you play tonsil tennis?

I believe you are referring to tonsil hockey? It's french kissing. You explore eachothers mouths with your tongues. Make sure you swallow constantly though otherwise it gets really wet and then someone swallows your drool. YUCK

What will happen if you swallow a date stone?

If you swallow a date stone call 911 for a ambulance for a operation.Or you might die as quick as a blink.

What is the Answer for Tonsil Stones in the book Beat Tonsil Stones?

"Beat Tonsil stones" is a guide that shows natural ways to remove tonsil stones. Its my third day of using the natural remedy from that guide, i am feeling somewhat relieved. The remedies described in this guide are very popular in india, I would say it is highly recommended guide for those who are suffering from tonsil stones and bad breath.

Is it bad to suck deck and swallow it's hormons?

it is bad to swallow the hormons you could get sick

What is a whitish pea-sized ball in the back of the mouth near the uvula?

It could be a tonsil stone, also known as a tonsillolith. These are small, white or yellowish deposits that can form in the craters of your tonsils. They are usually harmless but can sometimes cause bad breath or discomfort. If they become bothersome, you can try gently removing them at home or consult a doctor for further evaluation.

What is the solid foul-smelling discharge from tonsil crevices?

The solid, foul-smelling discharge from tonsil crevices is most likely tonsil stones or tonsilloliths. These are accumulations of debris, food particles, and bacteria that get trapped in the crevices of the tonsils. They can cause bad breath and discomfort, but are generally harmless.

Are seeds bad to swallow?


What are the three sets of tonsils?

pharyngeal tonsil, palatine tonsil, lingual tonsil