If it has blood in it or is very abnormal talk to your doctor otherwise yes if you've eaten something bad or are hungover or something throwing up will actually make you feel so much better!
Because your body has bad stuff in it and its trying to get out.
The way to stop your mom throwing up is to make her think of ice.
I wouldn't recommend it. (Also, proably very bad, look into it and stop drinking in the meantime)
when you cant throw up anymore .
you defiantly can! a running martingale is fine to use when riding and at competitions. it is a safe way to stop her throwing her head up
If you can stop yourself from throwing up then try to do so. If not, it always helps to talk with someone that has suffered from it or to talk to a parent. I am a recovering anorexic and I had to talk with my Mom about how to eat again. I know that it will be hard but you can do it:) We are proud of you for seeking help:) Good luck and God Bless:)
Just start throwing up and don't ever stop.
No way! Do not do it. Better to exercise. Once you throw up, it will become a habit
different signs in ur body ,feeling bad or throwing up
It depends on the period of time that you have been throwing up for. If you throw up constantly every day, then yes, you should get that checked out. If you are throwing up somewhat frequently for just a day or two, you are most likely fine.