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It can damage your hair, but it depends on how long you leave it in your hair or how much you do. Lemon juice is much safer.

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Q: Is it bad to put peroxide in your hair?
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Do you have to be in the sun when you put lemon juice or peroxide in your hair?

Yes for lemon juice, no for peroxide. I wouldn't recommend either though. Peroxide really damages your hair.

Will peroxide put blonde in my hair if it is brown?

Peroxide can lighten brown hair, but the result may vary depending on your hair's natural color, thickness, and texture. It is recommended to consult a professional hair stylist for the best results.

What happens if you peroxide your hair and then cinnamon it?

i dont know but is will probrobly turn out bad

Can you put highlights in your hair without using bleach?

Aside from bleach, you can also use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to bleach hair.

What happens when you put black hair in peroxide?

When black hair is exposed to peroxide, the peroxide breaks down the melanin in the hair, leading to a lightening or bleaching effect. The extent of lightening will depend on the concentration of the peroxide and the duration of exposure. It is important to use caution when lightening hair with peroxide as it can cause damage if not done properly.

When was peroxide first used to bleach hair?

Peroxide was first used to bleach hair in 1860.

I am being a barbie for Halloween and need blonde hair but I have brown hair and I don't want a cheap wig but i cant dye my hair....?

Put peroxide in it and it will NATERALY make it lighter.

What happens if you put peroxide in your hair?

Peroxide is a common ingredient in hair lightening products. It works by breaking down the melanin in your hair shaft, which then lightens the hair color. However, using peroxide can also lead to damage like dryness, breakage, and loss of hair protein, so it's important to use it carefully and follow instructions.

Will peroxide work on red hair?

Yes. yuu can peroxide red hair and it will work normally. the way peroxide works is that it takes all of your natural colour and nutrience out of your hair which leaves it white.

How do you bleach your hair with benzoyl peroxide?

Hydrogen Peroxide to be more precise is essentially water with an extra Oxygen molecule. In a solution of about 3% Peroxide you can permanently and safely lighten hair. Use it in a squirt bottle to achieve the desired effect, sunlight also helps. Be careful not to use your Peroxide solution too often, for you risk drying your hair out. Keep hair healthy and moist, avoid swimming pools and water with loads of Chlorine.

Can hydrogen peroxide lighten arm hair?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide can be used for lightening hair. However, it will also bleach skin and probably then is not advisable for use on the arms.

Is henna the only hair color that does not contain ammonia or peroxide?

is henna the only hair color that does not contain ammonia or peroxide