The first 72hrs you want to ice it first. Helps with the swelling. 3 days letter go head
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he had a bad sprained ankle
he had a bad sprained ankle
bad sprained ankle.
how far can you walk on a sprained ankle?
Fake being sick or fake a sprained ankle that the doc said was so bad, you aren't allowed to play for ( whatever the amount of time you want ) hope this helped bro, and I hope that ankle heals up ;)
Get X-ray's and an MRI as per your doctor.
Depends on the sprain or break. If it's a minor break it may be confused with a sprain (like mine was), and if it's a very bad sprain you may confuse it for a break until you get an X ray
I sprained mine heelflipping over my sidewalk. It'll hurt for about a week, and you shouldn't get on a board for at least 3 weeks, just to be safe. After that, you'll have to judge for yourself, and take it slow for awhile until you're sure that your ankle can handle the stress of skateboarding again.
A sprained ankle can hurt one person and not another. It just depends on a few things. First, it can depend on how sensitive you are to pain. My brother broke his arm in 3 places and did not cry, and when I fell off my bike and scraped my knee I was crying. There are 3 types of sprained ankles: grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3. If you get a grade 1 ankle, you typically will have a little pain, swelling, and tenderness. With grade 1, the ligament is stretched or the fibers of the ligaments are ripped a little. You can tolerate putting your weight on it. With grade 2, some of the fibers are torn but not all of them so there is a big increase in pain, swelling, and tenderness. You usually will have difficulty putting pressure on that ankle. Grade 3 is the worse. The ligament is torn, and you can't put weight on it without a lot of pain. There is a lot of swelling and tenderness. You will need to stay off it (though you should stay off of any sprained ankle). Remember RICE (Rest (stay off of it), Ice (20-30min), Compression (Ace bandage), and Elevation (for first 48 hours)). A broken or fractured ankle/ foot can free the same as a sprained ankle (there are similar symptoms), so it can be quite painful to have a sprained ankle.
I think it's bad for your balls. This kid found out the hard way!
It depends on the where you break or sprain a body part breaking of the leg or arm hurts more than a sprain but a sprain on an ankle wrist or fingers and toes is typically more painful than a break, Yes a break is more severe but a sprain can often cause more pain
Yes as when you have a sprained ankle you can't put pressure on your foot if your foot is severly sprained. I would recomend getting crutches but (if you don't want to wear crutches you can wear an ankle brace where you can get from any store) only use them for about 3-7 days and start trying to walk and do muscle exercises. You can get crutches from a pharmacy/drug store. Hope this helps.