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Q: Is it bad to masterbath on your periord?
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Swimming during your period is fine as long as you wear a tampon which should be changed before and after you go swimming

Can you get your period after you masterbath or did you do it to hard until you started bleeding?

Menstruation is not linked to masturbation or the other way around. Either you were too rough or it was time to get it.

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This time, largely associated with a shift towards common education in the humanities, is most commonly known as the Renaissance Era.

Ok so basically im 13 and have had a recent circumsision everytime you masterbath only a clear goo comes out and my penis becomes red is there somting wrong with me?

nooo there is nothing wrong with you there is just a clear goo until the age of about 14-15 and then it becomes white and if if its red then ur dieing nah im joking it just means tht ur doing it to often

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its a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad sickness. people die from it but people that knows times in math will not die. some people that knows times in math died from it only one person cannot die from it nowone lived from it and once someone lives from it nowone will die from it

Im 13 but when you masterbath you dont get to much plesure is that bad?

Masturbate. At 13, you may just be starting into puberty. I'm assuming you have an orgasm? If you haven't, you will at some point in the next 6 months to a year. The act of masturbation in itself doesn't give a lot of pleasure, it's the finish that does. It can be entertaining, you will figure out what makes it better for you, speed of motion, dry or with lotion, different grips. A large part of the pleasure comes from what you fantasize about while doing it. At 13, you may not have a lot of experience or fantasy material to work with yet. I wouldn't worry about it.