It depends on the age of both people involved. If one is under 18 years old then it might be best to wait. I am 20 and my boyfriend is 23 so no, there is nothing wrong with that age difference.
Not at all.
you should stiil like that person. age does not matter when your in love.
it kinda depends on your age and his like if hes 3 years older then you then its not a big deal but if it's like 3 years older then you then yeah it is
it is not safe to date guys who are five years older than you rather than to date a guy who is of your age or two,three years old
Most Certainly. As logn as they are not 18. :P
It depends on your age. If you are significantly older than both ages (like more than three or four years older) then you should probably look at people your own age. Remember--until a person is 18 years old they cannot legally give you consent. This means if you choose to have sexual intercourse with them, it is legally rape. Be careful.
if i were you i would foolow my heart coz im also dating an older person
Firsty how much older are they and what are their ages. plus does the older person feel the same way and is he or she in a relationship. He is 5 years older than me and not in a relationship, we always talk and are really close but i dont know whether we are in a relationship.
You need to ask him! Just because he hasn't told you, doesn't mean he doesn't like you!
An ELDER is a person who is older. Like a Grandma.
yeah. you may get teased, but you cann like or love anyone you want.
It means they like older people. It sometimes happens that a young gay person who is still growing up sees adults and adulthood very desirable. So they see an older gay person as attractive. Gerontophilia is the love of a very old person.