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HELL NO!! Sex is the best exersise, best stress relief option and best way to stay connected both physically and mentally to your spouse. 365 24/7 is AWESOME!!

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Q: Is it bad to have too much sex in one week?
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How bad is it to have unprotected sex a week after you are done with your period?

one week after you have stopped your period you are ovulating most likely to get pregnant. Not bad at all. That's the way babies come into the world.

How many times you can make sex in one week for good health?

SEX 4 DAYS A WEEK, YOU LIVE LONGER...-DR.OZ..haha i guess I'm like immortal then.Answer: It does not depend how much sex you have , but depends how much you and your partner enjoy it ,as no book or doctor says sex is bad for health , and how much makes no difference !

Is too much sex bad?

No its not. I mean it depends how you look at. If you going out 3-4 times a week having sex with random girls or guys. and its unprotected. Then yes, that could be bad. But facts have been shown. If your in a realationship. or not? You should keep your sex level of atleast a minimum of 32 hrs. a week for a healthy realationship!

How often is too much for sex per week?

You cant have too much sex!

How much sex does a person have in a week?

it depends on how sex crazed the people are if they are not that sex crazed then they only have sex about once every 2 weeks but if they really sex crazed then about 2-5 times a week

You are in periods more than one week i had not gone through sex?

"You are in periods more than one week i had not gone through sex?"

How do you know if you are pregnant after 1 week?

After one week of sex or missed period? You should be specific. There is no use of knowing about the conception after one week of sex. It is too much expensive also. If you have had a sexual contact and want to know about it, wait for one week. Then take the morning sample of urine and go for the pregnancy test. Repeat it twice a week. If you do not get the periods, then consult the gynecologist. She will do the needful.

How can i become pregnant in one week?

Just have unprotected sex.

You had unpertected sex then one week later had your period are you pregnant?


If you get ejaculated into is it bad for your pregnancy?

No, if you so much want sex.

I had unprotected sex for a week and a half one week later i got my period again does that mean I'm pregnant?


Is it bad that he wants sex more than you even when you do it 4-5 times a week?

Considering that the average American man has sex only once a week, I would think that "Yes" he would have a problem if he still wants more sex after 4-5 times a week. I am a sexual therapist and would suggest that you consult witha therapist specializing in sexual behavior.