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Yes. It may take a long, long time for skin cancer(s) to appear.

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Q: Is it bad to go to the tanning bed everyday even if you don't burn?
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Will redheads get freckles or a tan in a tanning bed?

Redheads can burn more easily, even in a tanning bed. Freckles can turn darker, whether using the sun or a tanning bed.

Does tanning have a direct effect on sensitivity of a mans penis?

First of all you should never tan the penis or the scrotum! The skin is far too thin and sensitive and tanning always increase the risk for cancer even if it's just a little tanning. A tan is a small burn to the skin so yes, it can make it more sensitive to the touch right away. That is also something very individual.

Is eating lead from pencils everyday safe?

Of course its not safe, you could get a disease or something else but dont even lick it

What disorder makes your skin start to get dark?

my skin is starting to look like i am tanning even though i am not tanning, what is wrong?

What tanning bed will give the most even tan?

Any of the Stand-up tanning beds will give you the most even tan because your body doesn't touch anywhere on the bed.

Where can I buy tanning spray online?

Tanning spray is so much safer than going to a tanning bed. You can get it from many places online such as Amazon or even EBay. You can also get it from department stores.

What is Sunless Tanning?

sunless tanning is were you lay down in a coffin of some sort and it produces UV light which makes your skin darker which means that you don't even have one glimpse of the sun which is sunLESS tanning

If you rollerblade 10 minuts everyday for 4 days will you loose 20 pound?

NO...! Not unless you are rollerblading up a very steep hill... and even then probably not. Of course not! Forty minutes of exercise is not going to burn off 20 pounds! It wouldn't even burn off 2 pounds.

Can you use a tanning bed while taking progesterone?

Try not to. Especially if using PIO. It has been known to cause sensitivity to light. Which means you might get a really bad burn even if you've only tanned for a little while.

Can you get in the tanning bed with braces?

Braces should not affect tanning as long as your mouth is closed. However, tanning beds are not necessarily a good idea anyway. Too much tanning tends to dry out the skin, and can even lead to skin cancer. Do you really need a tan?

If I am tan but I dont burn can you get skin cancer?

Yes you can get skin cancer even if you tan. The darkest skinned people on the planet can get skin cancer.

Which shop in LA rents tanning machines?

Tanning shops rent tanning machines probably even black market warehouses or something u never know what u can find out there in the streets,.Go out and look around.