It is and isn't. It leaves scars but make sure you don't cut too deep or you could die. I have passed out a couple times because I cut too deep. Also it's not bad because sometimes you can't take life anymore and it's an alternative to dieing. I hope I helped.
Hairbands worn on your wrist too tightly for too long could cut off your circulation. "Where" means location, whereas "wear" means to don.
It's not like that. If you cut your wrist, OR your arm, anywhere deeply enough to open an artery, it is a life-or-death situation. But if you cut your wrist or arm not too deeply, it's a "cut" - you will recover from it.
Flexion of the digits and the wrist
my wrist hurts real bad
not as bad. when you do the bottem you are slashing your radeal artery (cant spell srry.) on the top there is not a major artery.
Yes it does, -.-
Yes dont it hurts REALLY F'ng bad and you will have a defective arm because you cut through tendons and muscles.
From the blood that squirts out
Cheesecake baby. Cheesecake
Use common Sense.