Burning carbon paper, or any paper for that matter, is bad for the environment. Also, for health reasons, people should not be breathing in burning paper.
Paper is a bad insulator because paper can burn very easily.
Answer:Burning of wood is a process of combustion. By definition if something is undergoing combustion oxygen must be involved in the reaction.
you use technology or you can put the finger print on a paper and light it with a lighter (becareful not to burn the paper)
When you burn paper, two new materials that are formed are ash and smoke. Ash is the residue left behind after the paper burns, while smoke is a mixture of gases, vapors, and particles released during combustion.
Carbon dioxide cannot burn.
yes u can burn paper towels you can use a lighter.
carbon dioxide
No, fire does not need carbon to burn. Fire requires three elements to ignite and sustain: heat, fuel, and oxygen. Carbon is a common fuel source for fires, but other materials like wood, paper, and gas can also serve as fuel for combustion.
Paper clips will burn given a high enough temperature.
Wax paper can burn so it is best not to use it in the oven. A great alternative to wax paper is parchment paper. It will not burn in the oven.
Materials that burn well include paper, wood, dry leaves, and gasoline. Materials that do not burn well include metal, glass, wet wood, and rocks. Generally, materials with high carbon content burn well, while those with low carbon content or high moisture content do not burn well.
Yes, carbon can burn in the presence of oxygen to form carbon dioxide and release energy in the form of heat and light.