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Q: Is it bad if you touched your friend while she was sleeping?
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Is it a bad thing to pet your hamster while it is sleeping?

no. it's not bad to pet any animal while it sleeps. why would it be?

Is leaving a Nintendo DS on while im sleeping bad for it?

not if it is on standby.

Why small kids smile and sad while sleeping?

they must have a bad dream

When would it be a bad time to play music?

a bad time to play music is when its real late and while people are sleeping

What does it mean when your dog's hair raises while she's sleeping?

She's having a bad dream.

Does sleeping on the couch bad for a relationship?

If you are both sleeping on the couch it's good but if your sleeping on the couch by your self then it's bad.Yea but if you fall asleep while like watching a movie together its ok alot of pppl do it

Is bad when a male friend comes over and you sleep in the same bed if you are a male yourself?

No For one thing sleeping in the same bed doesnt make you homosexual and for another if they are its still not bad.

My cat is squealing while he sleeps. What does it mean is he in pain?

Cats can often make strange noises while they sleep, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're in pain. Squealing noises can be normal dreaming behavior or even part of the sleep cycle. However, if you notice other signs of distress when your cat is awake such as limping, changes in appetite, or restlessness, it's always best to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

Is it bad to guve a guy you're number if he has a girl friend?

No its not bad unless u r trying to get with him while he has a girl friend. But if its because u like him as a friend or more it might only be a problem with his girl friend. are you try to anoy the girlfriend or what

Is it bad sleeping alone if you are not baptized?

No it is not.

Is sleeping late at night bad for high blood preassure-?

Sleeping late at night without much stress or depression is not bad for high blood pressure.

What are the health risks when sleeping in a bed?

The health risks of sleeping in a bed include bedbegs and bad posture due to your sleeping position. The bad posture from sleeping can result in back pain and general body pain for the rest of your life.