

Best Answer

Yes This Could Lead To Swelling And Burning!

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Q: Is it bad if you scratch your cornea?
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My Shih-Tzu scratch the cornea .What is prognosis for the eye?

This is bad, because that means your shih tzu has bad allergies..

Is it bad to scratch if you have chlamydia?

Yes, do not scratch the affected area.

How do you remove scratch from CD?

depends on how bad the scratch is if it's not bad hand it into a shop that does disc cleaning machines if it's too bad then they won't take it in

Is it bad to scratch your breasts when they itch?

Usually not.

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Is it bad if you bleed in your head if you scratch it a lot?

i don't think so but DO NOT SCRATCH IT ANYMORE it shouldn't be serious

What bad things do cats do to people?

scratch ,attack

Which term refers to bad hand writing?

Chicken scratch

What to do when the cornea is shattered?

Cornea transplant

What part of the human body contains an iris and a cornea?

welll it is the lower cornea

Is it bad if you have dandruff in only one spot and its bleeding every time you scratch it?

yes it is too bad

Why did Gary Paulsen scratch in 2006 Iditarod?

a really bad snowstorm.