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no its normal.

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Q: Is it bad if you haven't started your period and your 12 in a half years old?
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Im not sure if im pregnant or not I havent taken a test but whats weird all of a sudden I started bleeding and my period isn't suppose to start until a week later was it a miscarriage?

# Firstly take the test it would really help you get an answer # Then take this to your local GP If you are young and have not been having your period over 4 years, yes you are safe. WHY It takes approximatley 4 and a half years for a woman's period to come to a constant cycle. If you've had your period more then 4 years, take this issue immediatley to your GP.

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he was 7 and a half years old when he started painting

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no age limmit, you can even have it b4 your period. some girls have even had it at the age of 12!!! I am 13 and a half and I still havent had my period, I could still get pregnant.

I got my first period in December of 2010. It lasted for 9 days and then left. It has been almost a year and a half and I still havent gotton my second period. Should I be concerned?

talk with a parent

What is a period of 50 years called?

There is no dedicated word for a period of 50 years

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They happened over a period of two and a half thousand years. Which period did you have in mind?

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Half a century. A time period of 50 years.

At what age did Jesus started his miracles.and how many years did he worked before he die.?

It is said Jesus preached and worked for three and a half years. That is from 30 to 33and half years.

Is there something wrong if your period has been on for 3 and a half weeks and it's still on?

That is really bad and abnormal you should go see a doctor.there could be a problem with your vagina and I know that and I'm 11 years old I started my period 3 months ago

What is a period of thirty years called?

A period of thirty years is called a "trio-decade" or simply a "thirty-year period."

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Probably half of america if evacuation and rescue teams havent started doing their job. Airports will be crowded and they might have to close and Stores will run out of stock.

What is a period of 15 years called?

The word sesquidecade means 'a period of one and a half decades.' i.e. 15 years.Note: Although the word is in use, we have yet to find it listed in any English dictionary.