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This is called Tachycardia. A rapid heartrate above 100 bpm. Someone with 300bpm is in a life threatening situation and needs immediate medical attention.

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Q: Is it bad if someone's heartbeat is 300 bpm?
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What is the term for heartbeat below 60 bpm?

slow heartbeat

How fast is a pig's heartbeat?

70 bpm

What is your grandmas heartbeat?

Around 260 bpm (beats Per Minute)

Is your dog sick if his heartbeat is 188 bpm?

Take your dog in to be checked out by a Veterinarian. That is the only sensible answer.

What is healthy male fetus heartbeat?

There is no true variance in the Male or Female fetus. Depending on how far along in the pregnancy, the heartbeat should be anywhere from 110 to 170 BPM.

What is the heartbeat pulse for a 12 year old boy?

When resting, the average adult heart beats at about 70 bpm (males) and 75 bpm (females); however, this rate varies among people and can be significantly lower in endurance athletes. The infant/neonatal rate of heartbeat is around 130-150 bpm, the children's heart beat is 100-130 bpm, the older child's about 90-110 bpm, and the adult's about 60-100 bpm .

What is the normal heartbeat of the woman?

Around 75 bpm, give or take. its actually 72 beats per minute.

How many times does a hedgehogs heart beat in a minute?

300 bpm

What the heart rate an Arctic fox?

Around 300 bpm when running

Which should be the average pulse rate for an eighteen years old boy?

Considering that the teenager is calm, resting, the average heartbeat is 76 to 82 bpm.

What is a normal heartbeat at 7 weeks gestation Im technically 7 weeks 3 days pregnant but ultrasound is dating it at 6 weeks 6 days. Heartbeat showed at 111 bpm?

I would say that is a normal heartrate for 6.6 days - my 7 week scan today showed the heartrate at 154 bpm - this is apparently the upper end of the scale. Best of luck with your pregnancy and congratulations, it is an incredible experience.

Is 41 BPM at rest good or bad?

Assuming that you're reasonably fit, then it's good.