No. It's just your vagina cleaning up. Old blood simply looks brown.
its kind of the same thing as pus (what comes out of pimples) just ignore it
It is qiut bad for you and fatty! It is a liquid so it can go everywhere!but is good when it comes to cooking!
It depends. If the liquid is clear, and DRIES yellow, it is your white blood cells trying to patch the hole in your body. That is your body's naturual defense mechanism and is normal. If it is yellow or green and smells bad, that is a sign of infection and should be looked at by your doctor.
Bromine gets its name from the Greek word "bromos," meaning stench, due to its strong smell. It is a reddish-brown liquid at room temperature and is a halogen element.
Liquid terdy and juicy substance that comes from you bouttwhole and looks like choclate milk
Bad News Brown - musician - died on 2011-02-11.
Bad News Brown - musician - was born on 1977-05-08.
The cast of The Capture of Bad Brown - 1913 includes: Lester Cuneo as Bad Brown Rex De Rosselli William Duncan as Buck Florence Dye Myrtle Stedman as Marie Brown
"Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" was written by American singer-songwriter Jim Croce. He released the song in 1973 on his album "Life and Times."
That really depends on what you mean by a "bad" example of a liquid. In one way you might say urine is a bad example, but in another way you might say a rock is a bad example.