To bad so sad. DUMP UM
It's not a bad thing. Honestly most girls get jealous when there boyfriend is talking to another girl. But you shouldn't worry about it.
no she never have a bad boyfriend swift is a very smart girl..
When you choose to steady date a boyfriend then you are committing to each other and he does not see other girls and you do not see other boys. If you want to freely date and not commit to one boy then do so and do not have a boyfriend.
It's not bad, but the straight girl is setting herself up for heartache.
No, because if he truly loves you age shouldn't get in the way
You DUMP him!! just dump your boyfriend and make him feel bad. ;)
no because ur bf loves u
This is a very F'D upp situation. The girl obviously likes her boyfriend. But she is going to leave her husband to find out that her boyfriend is oohhh sooo different. just like if a kid wants some ice cream. She thinks she loves the ghetto ice cream but then sees the rich ice cream and leaves but then finds out that the rich ice cream is just as bad as the ghetto ice cream!! -Diamond Boss
He is a bad boyfriend! You will
he feels bad and hopes that u can forgive him....
he doesnt like a girl to have a bad attitude but he loves it when she dresses nicely (: