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Q: Is it bad for your health to go without sex for months at a time?
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Is it a bad thing when your period does not come back for a long time?

Yes, it is a bad thing when your period doesn't come bacj for a long time. MEnstruation is one of the best indicators of a womans overall health, you will only ovulate on a regular basis if you are healthy, thus not ovulating regularly may be an indicator of a health problem. If you go for longer than three months without your period you should talk to your doctor.

Is mcdonld is bad for your health?

of course it is. if you have to have mcdonalds have 1 every six months

Is it bad for the animals health?

I believe you question is incomplete. If you are asking "Watching tv, is it bad for the animal health?" the answer is YES. Watching tv for a long time could harm animal health. Thank You.

How long can a person in bad health live without food?

2-3 weeks at most.

Is shingles bad?

Every disease is bad. But then in disease only you can understand the importance of health. Shingles is specially bad for elderly people. They may get the post herpatic neuralgia. This pain can last for months together.

If an officer in the army gets a one bad OER what does this mean can he get promoted to MAJ?

Can he still get promoted to the next rank (MAJ)? He just has one bad OER and seven outstanding OER's. This Bad OER was the second OER that he receive as a CPT. After that he has received six outstanding OER including his Company Command time OER. Rated time for the bad OER was 9 Months with two months unrated time.(Total of six months rated time) The OER received before this one was outstanding as well. He have a 10 months OER, 9 months OER, 7 months OER, 4 months OER, 12 months OER as company command, 8 months OER, 6 months OER and the last one was a 7 months OER. Right now he is waiting on the MAJ board results should be release some time this month. And this is my primary zone. Thank you all for your help!

Does pepperoni go bad?

Pepperoni does go bad. However, it lasts for a long time before it does. You can keep pepperoni in your refrigerator for months.

Can orange freckles be bad for your health?

If it is a real freckle, then no, it is not bad for you. If, however, it is something else, it may be. One of the bad things could be melanoma, a type of skin cancer. If it is growing or changing noticeably over a short period, like a few weeks or months, then please see your health care professional.

He hasn't text me is it bad?

You think that isn't bad it is totally bad the worst thing but if it is Weeks or months it is the time to dump him but if its few minutes give him a notice

What should you do when your cough goes on for months and it sounds really bad?

Any persistent cough that lasts longer than a couple of weeks should be evaluated by a health care professional. If this has been bad for months, then you should consult a physician for an examination and evaluation as soon as possible.

How arre drugs bad?

Drugs can be bad to our health by taking it over dose and taking it without prescription of the doctors and it will lead to a serious problem if we become addicted by it.

Can you find out you are pregnant at seven months and if so what to expect?

Yes u could and finding out that long threw could be bad for u and the child's health