Yes it is bad for your hair. When you shampoo it cleans the hair strands of dirt, oils, and other pore-clogging bacterias. Make sure you shampoo, but not every say. It has been proven that you should only shampoo 2-4 times a week. I only shampoo three times a week. This increases your hairs' shine and strength. There are few exceptions like working out every day, and working in a very dirty field. Remember to condion afterwards!
not as long as you dont get it on the scalp and use a shampoo to wash with at least once a week a cowash wont get it all out of your hair
well ethir you have a bad case of oily hair or you dont shower that or is a medical problem buy a shampoo and condtioner for oily hair
Any dye is bad for you hair, but if you strip it and dont dye it again, then it should be healthy for it :)
No there isn't but if you are trying to thicken it you should use medium to thick shampoos.
To clean your hair. Natural grease and oil builds up in the roots of the hair and is released through the folicles on the scalp. Although after many days the hair will start to clean itself, shampoo maintains healthiness and cleanliness of your hair. Dirty hair will also begin to smell really bad if you dont wash it, so even un-perfumed shampoo will take the smell away.
Its either that you are not washing your hair very well. Another cause is that you don't have the right shampoo for you. Try and find a shampoo that is just right for you. To get suggestions just ask your hair stylist for any reccommendations.
No that's bad for your hair.
Both. Wax in shampoo is good in the sense that it protects your hair from damage caused by heat, however, it's bad in the sense that it leaves residue and causes a lack of oil in the hair.
There aren't really any disadvantages to using shampoo but it is bad if you use it too much. Washing your hair too frequently is unhealthy for your hair because washing your hair gets rid of the natural oils produced from your body that it needs to stay healthy.
It eats your soul! on a serious note its bad for your hair thats why your meant to use conditioner after
A clarifying shampoo will help. If it is real bad and you want instant results, get a cheap perm and put only the nuetralizer on your hair until the green comes out. (combing it through will help to disburse it)
something might happen bad to your out...