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Q: Is it bad for you to wear a fake metal ring?
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Is it bad luck to wear a friendship ring that your best friend bought you as a xmas present before xmas?

No, it will not be bad luck to wear the friendship ring before Christmas.

Is it good luck or bad luck to wear a mother's engagement ring?

It is not a bad thing to wear it but it is not good luck either. It's OK to wear.

Is it good or bad to wear thumb ring?

Bad, very, very bad. Don't try it. please.

Can you wear a ring on the same finger as your wedding ring?

Well you can but they say it's bad luck. So if I was you I wouldn't. I don't believe in bad luck anyway.

Is it bad luck to wear pearl instead of diamond with the wedding ring?

there is no such as there is no such things as accident,so no

Is it bad luck for a man to wear a ring on their ring finger prior to marriage?

No. The rest of the univers couldn't care less if you have a ring on your finger or not.

Is it bad luck to wear your old engagement ring on your ring finger if your not engaged?

Well it really depends on if you still love or cares about this person that you were engaged to.

Bad luck to wear promise ring on ring finger?

There is no universal belief that wearing a promise ring on the ring finger brings bad luck. Different cultures and individuals may have their own superstitions or customs related to wearing rings, but it is ultimately a personal choice. It's always a good idea to respect and consider cultural traditions or personal beliefs, but there is no inherent bad luck associated with wearing a promise ring on the ring finger.

Is it bad luck to wear pearl with the wedding ring?

No it's not because the pearl in Europe is the sign of good luck!

What are the Symptoms of a bad o-ring in a pipette?

Symptoms of a bad O-ring in a pipette may include leaks, difficulty in aspirating or dispensing liquids, inconsistent volume delivery, or visible wear or damage on the O-ring itself. It is important to routinely inspect and replace O-rings to maintain pipette accuracy and performance.

Why are fake Pokemon cards bad do they effect the game?

They are bad because they are fake. Like your moms titties

My boyfriend was engaged in the past and has the ring he bought her. we are getting married and he wants me to wear the same ring. is this bad luck?

No, but it could tell you he is either cheap or doesn't have much class. Have him take the diamonds out of the ring and get them reset. This way you get a new ring and he will spend less on a new one.