No, they tend to bleed when stretched. Especially If you have jumped sizes. But if you have had the stretcher in over a few weeks then there's a problem.
The plural of stretcher-bearer is stretcher-bearers.
stretcher is nothing but an objejct that stertches.
A nail stretcher would be a fictional tool... think "dollar stretcher".
When it comes to the truth, he's a stretcher. Please give me a hand with this stretcher.
yes it is bad but sometimes its not
He was carried on a stretcher to the ambulance.
your mouth because then it can bleed
There are a variety of devices used to carry patients. Longboard, scoop stretcher, basket stretcher, wheeled stretcher, light stretcher, portable stretcher, stair chair Sometimes we’ll just use a blanket, or do a direct carry.
A stretcher match in the wwe is when you have to incapacitate your oppponent and put them on a stretcher. The goal is to incapacitate your oppponent, put them on a stretcher and push them over a line on the top of the wwe ramp.
wait and bleed
It will bleed and it hurts real bad and things get real bad
I call any sort of bleeding bad.