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well, if he kisses you on the cheek and hes your boyfriend well that means he likes you but if you guys are not together that could mean 2 things.
1. he might just be kissing you because he just harassing you.

2. the boy might like you but he doesnt want to tell you. and he just shows it by playing around and kissing you. so even though you know that you guys are not together he stills fell you.

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Q: Is it a good sign when a guy kisses you on the cheek?
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What does it mean when a guy kisses you on the cheek in the country of india?

When a guy kisses a girl on the cheek in India when married or dating.

What does it mean when a guy kisses you goodbye?

Well duh! It means he really likes you! If he only kisses you on the cheek for a goodbye then it means he's not interested, but if he kisses you on the cheek on your first date its means he doesn't want to take it too fast, which is a good thing!

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He wants his innsss

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Dont Freak out!! Just stay calm and smile :D

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they either are not ready or they are waiting for you to kiss them

When a guy kisses a girl on the cheek is it supposed to feel good to the girl?

Not sexually but some girls feel like your teasing them and really want you to kiss them on the lips so when you kiss their cheek it makes them want you more (in some casses)

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It probably means he's not that into you or either his/your breath stinks.

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It normally means that he is afraid of commitment and doesn't want it publicly shown. You need to show him that you are there and will always be there for him and hope he notices and becomes a bit more open.

Does a guy like you if he kisses you and tell you that your beautiful?

It depends how he kisses you, where he kisses you and how he said that your beautiful... in most cases, YesAnswer:Yes he does, kissing is a sure sign of affection.

Does a guy like you if he slowly and softly kisses your cheek after you gave them a peck on the cheek too?

yes because you gave a small peck but they slowly and softly gave you one. that's romantic::)

If a guy kisses you doesnt say anything and just leaves is that a sign he likes you?

yes it does

What does it mean when a guy kisses you on the cheek and when you smile he stares for a second and turn hes head?

It could mean that he just wants to be friends or hes scared.