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It 'might' be a bad thing if you kiss an 'ex' while you have a 'new', and if the kiss was more than just a passing one.... anything hot and smouldering would almost certainly be too much!

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Q: Is it a bad thing to kiss your ex i dont have a bf i was just wondering?
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my lips are getting cold < sweety or if your shy dont say a thing just speak with your eyes

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just go out with another guy and then just forget about him. But if u dont kiss them then they are going to thing that ur just friends.

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You should definitely find out if she likes you first, so you don't get that awkward "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" question when you do kiss her. Now if she does like you, then you weigh your chances of get yelled at or maybe even slapped. The gentlemen thing to do is ask her first to kiss her, the spontaneous and exciting thing to do is just kiss her. you decide?

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no they just dont wanna kiss before sex

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i dont wanna do that so i think you should kiss him back if you like him but if you dont like him dont make the moment awkerd just say that " i dont really wanna kiss you" or while hes trying to kiss just say" what are you doing" you may make him feel embarresed but no one want to kiss boys they dont like

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you be brave and u kiss the person dont be scared just kiss them

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if he kiss you just go with the flow andd kiss him even if you dont it will help you later on when you wanna kiss him

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just dont.

How do you tell if he wants to kiss you?

you dont... it just happens.

How do you get your boyfriends to kiss you?

you play cuite if that dosent work just say (i get it you dont want to kiss me)

How do you know if a boy wants to kiss you?

If a boy wants to kiss you this is how you would known: He would be talking to you face to face in he will be looking at your lips. So in his mind he would be wishing for one thing TO KISS YOU!!!girls dont be worriied if a boy wants to kiss you..i think a boy wants to kiss me. when were real close almost face to face..he glances at my lips and looks and my eyes..i want to kiss him but im scared.i dont know what to do.i think i will. he is nice ,sweet and one of the kindest boys i have known.he is so romantic.he makes my stomache turn upside down and tie into a knot.i like when he gets close to me when were about to kiss we dont we just stop and stare and turn away..i like him alot.i can tell but i dont know if he does.well as much as i do.i am going to introduce him to my ex and my best friends...his name is cody.i will kiss him..sooner or later...i willlllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. one more thing..did i mention he is my boyfriend ;0