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It's important to rest when hit in the head, or after getting a concussion. Some people say not to sleep after being hit in the head, but they are wrong. Doctors have proven that the best thing you can do is try and sleep or rest. I myself have been concussed, several times, due to sports and an abusive father as a child. Rest was the best thing for me at those times.

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13y ago
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17y ago

If you have hit your head hard enough to bleed or feel dizzy afterwards, you need prompt medical attention - you may have experienced a concussion - left untreated, it could be fatal. Above all things, do not go to sleep until your doctor or medical professional has evaluated the injury. Get professional medical help right now!!

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12y ago

Listen to me I am a doctor and u could sleep after u hit your it depends it it is a soft hit yes pain well go away but if u hit your self hard and it sound it hard then try to stay a wake for at least 2 hr if it's late and ur tried to think of ur crush fell if u were married with hiim Trust me as I said I'm a doctor and I'm named Vannessa love a guy name Fabian

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12y ago
If you are really worried about a subdural hematoma the symptoms may not present for 6 hours.

The classic pattern is to lose consciousness immediately, wake up and have several hours of lucency (alertness), and then lapse back into a coma. Therefore if you did not hit your head hard enough to risk losing consciousness the stiff about watching the person and not letting them sleep is a bit of a wives tail. If you do hit your head hard enough to lose consciousness you should go to the hospital immediately, not wait around to see if it gets worse.

If there is bleeding in the head chances are the person would have a horrible and worsening headache (worse when lying down) and vomiting which would make sleep unlikely.
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14y ago

No, that would be a bad idea to go to sleep after hitting your head. After hitting your head, try to wait a few hours before going to sleep. Hitting your head can result in interior or exterior bleeding or having a concussions which can be fatal depending on the damage done

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14y ago

If the injury to your head did not result in a concussion, then it is most likely safe to sleep.

A common myth behind concussions is that the sufferer should be woken up every few hours to ensure their condition has not become worse. In actuality, the person does not need to be woken up every few hours, but they should be checked on regularly to ensure they still responds to gentle stimuli (calling their name, lightly touching them).

Each case is different though, and for any head injury I recommend evaluation by a doctor for their advice on the situation.

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15y ago

yes, it would be better to lye down then to sit or stand because you could become dizzy or you cpuld faint

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15y ago

2 seconds to 2 hours

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12y ago

sign of concusion

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