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No,certain germs that cause diarrhea can live from minutes to days in pools, even if the pool is well-maintained. Once the pool has been contaminated, all it takes is for someone to swallow a small amount of pool water to become infected.

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Q: Is it OK to go to the pool when having diarrhea?
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do what normal people do in this situation: go to the toilet.

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Go to doctor Oz .com and type in search : DIARRHEA there will be a video showing Causes,side effects and things to eat when having diarrhea

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it will just go right through you

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So long as the chlorine levels in the pool are OK there should be nothing to worry about.

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Give him/her plenty of water, the baby loses a lot of water when having diarrhea, and go see a doctor.

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If having diarrhea and throwing up and you are a vegan you should not eat veggies. It should go away in a few days.

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From the information I have found the best thing to do here is go with a vynil pool as these are best suited to ground movement

Im 40 weeks pregnant and you been having diarrhea for a day?

That can be a sign that you are going to go into labour.

Is it ok to just use a leaf net in the winter and not have a cover?

If you maintain the pool by keeping it clean as you go you will be better of in the long run as you will not be stuck cleaning a ton of rubbish out of the pool when the season starts. So yes it is ok

Should I go in my pool after a frog has been in it?

it doesnt matter. if you're creaped out by having a frog in your pool and you think that's gross then just clean it them go in it.