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Q: Is intoxication an altered state of consciousness?
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altered state of consciousness.

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Is hypnosis a state of consciousness?

Hypnosis is considered an altered state of consciousness where a person is in a highly focused and relaxed state. It involves heightened suggestibility and focused attention on specific thoughts or tasks directed by a hypnotist.

Is REM an altered state of consciousness or normal waking consciousness?

REM is a stage of sleep, characterized by rapid eye movements, that occurs when we are dreaming. In that sense it is an altered state, although perfectly normal.

Can sleeping cause mutation?

Sleeping does not directly cause mutations. Mutations are changes that occur in the DNA of cells, and they can happen due to various factors such as exposure to radiation, chemicals, or errors during cell division. While sleep is important for overall health and proper cell function, it does not trigger mutations in DNA.

What are examples of altered state of consciousness?

Examples of altered states of consciousness include meditation, hypnosis, drug-induced states, dreaming, and near-death experiences. These states involve changes in perception, awareness, and thoughts outside of the normal waking state.

What do drugs trauma fatigue hypnosis and sensory deprivation have in common?

they produce altered state of consciousness

Did Cheyne stokes syndrome is an altered state of consciousness due to decreased blood flow to the brain?


Magic mushrooms have been used by several culture to induce altered state of consciousness during what rituals?


What is the difference in the altered state of consciousness through meditation hyonotic trance?

I think you are asking, "what happens to one's state of consciousness during a meditation hypnotic trance?" The phrase "meditation hypnotic trance" needs exploring. Meditation is *not* the same thing as hypnosis, and it does not induce a trance state. Meditation is simply the process of watching your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.

Sleep and meditation are examples of?

Altered states of consciousness.

Is an altered state of consciousness or psychological state of altered attention in which the individual is unusually receptive to suggestion?

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness or psychological state of altered attention in which the individual is unusually receptive to suggestion. This state is often induced by a hypnotist and can be used for therapeutic or entertainment purposes.