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No not at all. Ignorant is a word describing someone who is unaware/uninformed. Stubborn is being persistent about something like a opinion.

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Q: Is ignorant the same as stubborn?
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What the exact meaning of stubborn?

ignorant, not talking etc

What word means frequently not following directions?

ignorant or stubborn

Was Okonkwo violent and stubborn?

No, in the sense that it is being used. While it is true that Okonkwo was ignorant of colonialist customs and traditions before they came, the same could be said about the District Commissioner about the Igbo tribes and customs. The entire book of Things Falls Apart shows a deep complicated culture, with a full judicial system, social norms, stories, proverbs, songs, and ritual. Okonkwo is only ignorant in the sense that everyone is ignorant, and a native by the fact that he had not emigrated to another country.

If horse is to mule then obedient is to?

Stubborn A horse and a mule belong to the same family I think, but they are very different in behavior sometimes, so I think its disobey

What is the difference between hardheaded and stubborn?

Hardheaded and stubborn can mean the same thing. They are synonyms. Hardheaded can also mean realistic and pragmatic, but usually it means stubborn. If someone is stubborn they could be called hardheaded and vis-versa

Is tenacious the same as stubborn?

I would say that tenacious and stubborn almost mean the same according to their deffinitions: Tenacious- adj. Holding or tending to hold persistently to do something; such as a point of view. Stubborn- adj. Fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute

What word means the same as obdurate?

STubborn, immovabale, implacable

What can logic can do and can not do?

Logic can explain difficult-to-understand concepts to people who are ignorant to pieces of data to support a conclusion. Logic cannot, however, convince someone that something they are stubborn to accept to be true.

What is the superlative of ignorant?

The superlative of ignorant is "most ignorant."

How do you say 'ignorant' in French?


What are the comparative and superlative form of the word ignorant?

Comparative: more ignorant Superlative: most ignorant

What is stuborn?

unwilling to change one's mind/decision/actions/habbits/etc or unwilling to listen to other people's opinions