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Ice is ok on your body, but it can cause problems if it is in contact for too long. When you ice a joint for a sprain or for anything else, wrap the ice in a cloth or paper towel and don't let it stay in contact even wrapped up for more than 20 min at a time!

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Q: Is ice bad on your body?
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Is eating ice bad for you?

It is just water, so consuming ice is fine. However, the process will cause cold damage to your teeth and mouth tissues, so it is not recommended that you eat a lot at once; two or three small cubes is probably about it. But a desire to eat ice is often a symptom of iron deficiency. I don't know why and it really isn't logical, but I have known 4 people who would eat all the ice after drinking a glass of tea or soda. All of them stopped eating ice after having an iron deficiency diagnosed and treated.

What causes the ice from ice maker to smell bad?

Ice can develop a bad smell if it absorbs odors from the freezer or refrigerator, or if there is a buildup of bacteria or mold in the ice maker or water supply. It is important to regularly clean the ice maker and water supply to prevent bad odors.

Is ice bad for you?

No, ice is not bad for you. It is just water that's frozen, so it's actually good for you.

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Is drinking ice cold water bad?

Drinking ice cold water is not inherently bad for you, however, some people may find it uncomfortable or irritating to their throat or stomach. It can also temporarily decrease your core body temperature, but this effect is minimal and generally not a health concern.

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When was Bad Blood - Ice album - created?

Bad Blood - Ice album - was created on 1998-10-20.

Is ice cream bad for you or good for you if yes or no answer why?

Like most sweets, ice cream is not good OR bad for you. Rather, it's the amount you consume: if you enjoy a little ice cream that's OK; if you enjoy a lot of ice cream, or you have ice cream instead of healthy food, that's bad for you.

Does anyone else think the ice cream Pokemon are a bad idea?

Its not a bad idea to make ice cream pokemon.

Why can a body be preserved in ice?

because the ice is like a freezer and Bactria can not grow and the body will not decay.

Is ice bad for digestive system?

Yes, ice can be bad for your digestive system. However, it is only bad for you if you go over board with it. Consuming too much ice can cause the nutrients in the food you eat to be retrieved from your system.

When did Bad Reichenhall Ice Rink roof collapse happen?

Bad Reichenhall Ice Rink roof collapse happened in 2006.