Men maid honey and wax is harmful.if we obesered real honey bee in lonly forest,this is only real honey,used for eyesiht,and wax is not used in humanuse,so honey wax is not harmful.
No. Honey and wax are two completely different products.
Bees make honey, and wax. The wax is used to make candles. The honey is used to make your tea sweet!Honey
I don't know of any honey that is harmful.
Azulene wax is made from azulene oil which is distilled from the German chamomile flower. Honey wax is a natural wax byproduct from honeybees. It is used to build the cells in which the honey is stored and bee larva are kept until they reach maturation.
Wax and honey are not the same thing. The bees make wax to store honey inside. The honey is a separate substance that the bees use for food.
yep the honey comb is made out of wax the honey is in the honey comb
During the spring months, the queen bumblebee builds a wax honey pot to use for food storage. The queen provisions the wax honey-pot with nectar and pollen.
Honey is pretty pure in the comb: bees don't cap the honey with wax until it is ready. Beekeepers and honey producers just filter the honey to remove any bits of wax or other solid particles after extraction.
No, especially when it's all over my body. No, honey is not harmful to the body in anyway.
the honey in the stores have been cleaned and filtered. raw honey comes in this wax container, called honey combs. When it first comes out of the nest it looks like a big brick of wax.